Medico-Legal Quality Assurance
Our rigorous quality assurance process guarantees that our medico-legal reports and services are of a high standard from the moment we engage with a client until the delivery of our report.

Our Quality Assurance team with legal, science and allied health expertise check every medico-legal report to ensure its accuracy, consistency and clarity.
Quickly and easily search for a medical expert online and book your medico-legal appointment or talk to our friendly Client Service team for your specific needs.
Our unique Quality Assurance team guarantees accuracy and efficiency of your medico-legal report. Throughout the whole process you receive unparalleled quality assurance and a personalised service.
File & Administration team
Our File and Administration team provides the first line in ensuring the quality of our medico-legal services. They check every file that is been submitted to Lex Medicus and cross-reference enclosures to ensure nothing is omitted. These documents are then sent to our medical experts to review.
The File and Administration team liaise with our clients and medical experts to resolve any queries before the appointment, preventing potential delays and extra costs.
Quality Assurance Team
Our Quality Assurance team comprises a broad range of biomedical and legal experience. In addition to spelling and grammar checks, the Quality Assurance team reviews every report for factual accuracy and ensures that all questions have been answered.
This rigorous process allows medical experts and clients alike to be confident that our medico-legal reports stand out and hold up to scrutiny.